Sheriff Cole addresses gun violence and the 2nd amendment

Sheriff Cole recently attended the National Sheriff’s Association Conference, held in Kansas City, for which he is an active board/committee member. Sheriff Cole was asked to represent the National Sheriff’s Association on a panel consisting of four Sheriffs to address gun violence and the 2nd Amendment during the opening ceremonies of the conference. Sheriff Craig Webre (Lafourche Parish, LA) was the moderator of the event with Sheriff Cole, Sheriff Fred Lamphere (Butte County, SD), Sheriff Garry McFadden (Meckelenburg County, NC) and Sheriff Michael Adkinson (Walton County, FL) making up the panel. Afterwards, and while attending other agenda matters, Sheriff Cole was often greeted and complimented by fellow peers from across the country for an admirable job and for being a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment. As your elected Sheriff he would like the citizens to know, “I will always be a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment, work hard for the law-abiding citizens of Christian County, and fight to uphold the rule of law.