Visitation hours for attorneys and clients
Monday through Friday
8:30am – 11:30am
1:00pm – 4:30pm
*Hours outside of the listed times above require permission and scheduling through the Captain of the jail.
Attorney Visits will primarily be conducted on the second floor, behind Judge Johnson’s Courtroom in the hallway visitation rooms.
- Inmates will be escorted to the room when called and secured to a bull ring in the wall.
- Securing the inmate is a security protocol for the facility’s safety and security and all persons in the facility.
To be permitted a visit with your client in one of the visiting rooms, you must:
- Enter the Judicial Building at the front door and announce to the Campus Security Deputies your intentions and whom you wish to visit.
- The Campus Security Deputy will escort you to one of the visitation rooms if they are not used.
- You may have to wait for a room to become available if other attorneys are using them.
Security Measures:
- The Christian County Jail is a lockdown facility.
- If emergencies arise, you may be asked to leave and or have your visit canceled.
- You and any property brought into the facility are subject to search and seizure.
- Inmates are not permitted to receive any items other than legal material. All paper clips and staples must be removed.
Lock Down Procedures: During lockdown procedures, all attorneys will be asked to end the visit and leave the building. This includes the inmate’s meal times.
Electronic Devices: No cell phones or electronic devices will be permitted into any visitation room unless used for the visit.
Prohibited Items: There will never be any weapons, knives, fingernail files, fingernail clippers, mace, or any other items used as a weapon permitted into the facility. Further items not allowed into the facility are chewing gum, tobacco products, and lighters.
Photography: Photographs of the facility are strictly forbidden and a security violation. If you are discovered taking photographs in/of the facility, your phone may be confiscated, and your further access denied.
Campus Security can be reached at (417) 582-5330