Starting March 1, 2025
The Sheriff’s Youth Academy is conducted by the Christian County Sheriff’s Office. This is a free course designed to familiarize our young citizens with various aspects of community law enforcement. The academy focuses on administrative philosophy, internal policies, and guiding principles of law and ethical conduct governing the delivery of police services in our community. The academy is designed to engage the children in real-world scenarios and instruction on the different roles a law enforcement official can be faced with. It also allows them to see how the Deputies fulfill the mission every day without the glitz and glamour provided by Hollywood stars and special effects.

The academy’s team of instructors is made up of actual Deputies and other specialized law enforcement personnel who provide in-depth discussions and demonstrations about their individual areas of expertise. The academy curriculum retains all of the core elements essential for citizens to gain a better understanding of police operations. As a result of their participation, citizens are able to make more informed judgments about their Sheriff’s Office and its daily operations. In return, the Sheriff’s Office also benefits from the academy because it allows us to gain a better understanding of the views and concerns of our young people.